Metrics Tab Views and Commands

This tab includes metric libraries, variables, and tripwire thresholds.

Metrics Pane

This pane lists the available metrics. Click Variables at the bottom of the pane to view and edit the variables. Click on a metric folder to view or edit the metrics weight.

Field Description
Name Use this field to enter or edit the metric name.
Description Use this field to enter or edit the metric description.
Remarks Use this field to add any additional information about the metric.
Metric Type Select the metric type: Activity Count, Activity Attribute, Ribbon Count, Ribbon Attribute.
Applies to By default, each metric is available in all three analyzers (ribbon, phase, intersection). Metrics can be excluded from a particular analysis (for example, phase) if, for example, the context is not valid.
  • Select the Ribbons check box to apply the metric to ribbons.
  • Select the Phases check box to apply the metric to phases.
  • Select the Intersections check box to apply the metric to intersections.
Include in new Workbook Select this check box to automatically include this metric in new workbooks.

Primary, Secondary, and Tripwire Formula Tabs

Use the fields on these tabs to set up the primary, secondary, and tripwire formulas for the metric. Enable the fields on the Secondary and Tripwire tabs by clicking the check box next to the tab label.


Field Description
Activity Status Select the activity status: Planned, In Progress, Complete.
Activity Type Select the activity type: Normal, Milestone, Summary, Level of Effort.
Time Phase This setting indicates in which phase the Phase Analyzer will count the activity.
  • If the All activities in this Period option is selected, the activity is counted in all periods that it spans.
  • If the Activities that start in this Period option is selected, the activity is only counted in the period in which it starts, even if it spans multiple periods.
  • If the Activities that finish in this Period option is selected, the activity is only counted in the period in which it ends, even if it spans multiple periods
Prorating Prorating affects how the Phase Analyzer views the activities. If Prorating is On, the Phase Analyzer on the S2 // Diagnostics tab takes time periods into account when it analyzes activities. If Prorating is Off, the Phase Analyzer ignores time periods when it analyzes activities.

Tripwire Thresholds Tab

Use the fields on this tab to set up the tripwire thresholds for the metric. Double-click on a threshold to edit it.